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Professor Md.Rafique Ullah was born in Raipur Upojela of Lakshmipur district, Bangladesh on 1st December, 1955.He passed SSC from Raipur L M M High school in 1970 and got 1st Division. He passed HSC from Noakhali Government College in 1972 and got 1st Division. He also passed B.Sc. (Hons.) in chemistry and M.Sc. (Thesis group) Physical Inorganic Branch from Chittagong University, Bangladesh in 1975 and 1976. He obtained 1st Class in M.Sc. He earned his PhD. Degree from the Chemistry Department of M.S. University, Baroda, Gujarat, INDIA in 1991. Prof. Md. Rafique Ullah Started his carrier as a Chemistry lecturer in Notre Dame College, Dhaka. He joined as a lecturer of Chemistry in Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), Dhaka in1980. He was promoted as Assistant Professor in 1986 , as Associate professor in 1995 and as Professor in 1999. At present he is serving as a senior Professor ( selection grade Professor) in the department of Chemistry, BUET, Dhaka. He Supervised fifteen post graduate student and they earned M. Phil. Degree from the department of Chemistry, BUET, Dhaka. He published 30 papers in reputed national and International Journals. He has also published a Text Book approved by Bangladesh National Board of Education (approval No.778). At present He is Supervising three PhD. And One M. Phil. Student. Coordination Chemistry is the field of his research work.

List of Publications:

1. Ullah M. R. Tania Nazneen, and Hossain, A.2013.The Influence of a New-Synthesized Complex Compounds of Co(II),Zn(II) And Cd(II) Containing A Ligand Having Tetraoxotetrahydrazin Moity on Some Pathogenic Bacteria. International Journal of Chemical Studies e-ISSN: 2321-4902. Volume 1, Issue 2), PP 45 - 53

2. M.R.Ullah. and Sarker K., 2013.Determination of Trace Amount of Copper (Cu) Using Uv-Vis pectrophotometric Method. International Journal of Chemical Studies, Vol. 2, Issue-1, pp. 05 – 16.

3. Ullah M. R., Hossain M. J., and Hossain, A.2013.The Influence of a New-Synthesized Complex Compounds of Ni (II), Cu (II) And Fe (II) Containing A Ligand Having Tetraoxotetrahydrazin Moity on Some Pathogenic Bacteria. IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry (IOSR-JAC) e-ISSN: 2278-5736. Volume 4, Issue 4 (May. – Jun. 2013), PP 51-59 www.iosrjournals.org

4. Ullah M. R.and M. M. Hassan. 2012. A rapid spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of trace amount of Zinc (II) Ion in aqueous medium using Alizarin Red as a chelating agent. Journal of International Academy of Physical Sciences, vol. 15,pp. 1 – 6.

5. Ullah M.R. etal, 2011. Photocatalytic decolorization of Brolliant Golden Yellow over TiO2 and ZnO Suspensions.Journal of Saudi Chemical Society.

6. Ullah M.R. etal. 2011.Decolorization and Mineralization of Brilliant Golden Yellow (BGY) by Fenton and Photo Fenton Process. African Journal of pure and applied Chemistry, Vol.5, pp. XXX - XXXI.

7. Ullah M.R. and Enamul Haque, 2010. Determination of Toxic Element( Cadmium) in aqueous Media. Journal of Chemical Engineering VOl. 25 ,No. 1, pp. 1-12.

8. Ullah M.R., Rahman S. and Jahanara N. 2006. Study of Copper(II) & Nickel(II) Ternary complexes Involving
Tridentate and Bidentate Ligands. Journal of Ultra Science Vol.18(2), p. 221 – 226.

9. Ullah M>R> and Rahman S. , 2005. Mitigation of groundwater arsenic poisoning by employing a bio-remediation technique. Oriental Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 21(2),p. 225 – 234.

10. Ullah M.R., Halim M.A. Naher K. and Mia R.U. 2003.Excitation function of the 74Ger (n,α)71 Zr reaction in the neutron Energy range 13.90 – 14.70 MeV,Journal of Nuclear science and Applicatio, Vol. 12.No.1,2, p. 37 – 40.

11. Ullah M.R., Halim M.A. and Nessa S.A. ,2005. Activation cross section of 90Zr (n,2n)89 Zr reaction in the neutron Energy range 14.10 – 14.71 MeV,Journal of Applied Sciences,Vol. 5 No.5, p. 903 – 905.

12. Ullah M.R. et al. 2003. Reaction of Monosodium Glutamate with Transition metal cations. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 27(1) : 51 - 56

13. Ullah M.R. and Kabir M.A. 2002. Formation constants of mixed ligand complexes of divalent copper, nickel, zinc and cadmium with dipicolonic acid. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 26(2):175 – 181.

14. Ullah MR and Ahmed R. 2000. Study of The Effect of Ligand on Reproportionation Constants of Ternary Complexes. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 24(1): 37-41.

15. Ullah M.R., Islam M. and Hossain M. 1999. Binary and Ternary Complexes of Cu (II) Zn (II) and Ni (II) with Bidentate and Tridentate ligands. J. BUET Studies. 2(1):7-18.

16. Ullah MR and Ahmed R. 1997. Study of Ternary Complexes of Cu(II) Involving N, N. N, O- and O-, O- Donars. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 21(1): 107 - 110.

17. Ullah MR and Bhattacharya P K. and Venkatasubramanian K. 1996.Study of Ternary Complexes Containing Tridentate and Bidentate Ligands.. Polyhedron 15(22): 4025-4029.

18. Ullah M.R. and Ahmed R. and Pasa N.A., Begam F, and Haider S.Z. 1994. Template Condensation Reactions of Formaldehyde with Tetraamine and Diamines: Synthesis, Structure and Properties of Co (II), Ni (II) and Cu(II) Complexes of hexaaza Macrocyclic Ligands Containing Perchlorate Anion. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 18(1): 99-105.

19. Ullah MR and Bhattacharya PK. 1991. Study of Various Factors Affecting the Stability of Ternary Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 64: 3659-3661.

20. Ullah MR and Bhattacharya PK. 1991. Studies of some Ternary Complexes of Copper(II) Involving Tridentate and Monodentate ligands. Indian J. Chem. 30(A): 976-978.

21. Ullah MR and Bhattacharya PK. 1990. Study of the Effect of nature of Ligand on reproportionation constants of ternary complexes. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Chem. Sci.), 102(4): 513-519.

22. Ullah MR and Bhattacharya PK. 1990. Study of Inter-ligand Stacking Interaction in copper(II) and Nickel(II) Ternary Complexes. J. Chem. Research (M), 2001-20017, J. Chem. Res(s), 269.

23. Bhattacharya P. K, Ullah M. R, Khalil R. A, Kitchen SJ and Fenton DE. 1990. The Solution Stability of Binary and Ternary Complexes Involving Oxaazamacrocyclic ligands. Polyhedron 9(18): 2239-2243.

24. Ullah M. R and Bhattacharya P.K. 1990. Studies of Ternary Complexes of Cu(II) Involving Aliphatic Carboxylic acids and Amino acids. Indian J. Chem. 29(A) 150-153.

25. Ahmed A.K.S., Salam S.A., Rahman S and Ullah MR. 1986. pH-metric and Calorimetric Studies of Cd(II) and Zn(II) Complexes with 1, 2 - Propanediamine. Chittagong Univ. Stud. 10(1 & 2): 1-6.

26. Ahmed A.K.S., Salam S.A. and Ullah MR. 1985. Polarographic Studies of Cd(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) Complexes formed with N, N-Dimethylethylenediamine in aqueous, mixed aqueous and non-aqueous media. Chittagong Univ. Stud. 9(I): 65-77.

27. Ahmed A.K.S., Ullah MR. and Rahman S. 1984. Physico-Chemical Studies of Cd(II) and Ni(II) Complexes with N, N -Dimethylethylenediamine. Chittagong Univ. Stud. 8(2): 79-85.

28. Ullah MR. 1998. Solid state studies of some Binuclear copper (II) Complexes Correspond to the general formula [(Cu-DPA)2 L-L]. Proc. 20th Bangladesh Sci. Conference Dhaka (November 28- 30): 287-290.

29. Ahmed A.K.S., Salam M.A. and Ullah MR. 1980. Polarograhpc studies of the Zn(II)-Complex formed with N,N- Dimethylethylenediamine in aqueous and mixed aqueous and non-aqueous media. Proc. 4th and 5th Bangladesh Sci. conference, Rajshahi, March 2-5.

30. Ullah M.R. and Kabir M.H. 1999. Study of some ternary complexes of Cu(II) and Ni(II) involving falic acid and ome other ligands..Proc. 6th West Bengal State Science & Technology Congress, Howrah, India,(February 26-28).












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